The principal topics of the course include vectors, matrices, determinants, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and selected applications.
Math 0220 or equivalent, with a grade of C or better.
This course will be taught in-person unless the university health policy mandates that the course be moved online. This means that the default format will consist of your instructor presenting material in the classroom. Your instructor may offer supplementary methods for viewing lecture such as live-streaming lectures or recording the lectures for later viewing. However, this is the instructor’s prerogative. This course meets three times per week and has no recitation. The default website for the course is the Canvas webpage. Please check it regularly for announcements and assignments.
The text for this course is Linear Algebra, A Modern Introduction, 4th Edition by David Poole. All students who register for this course are automatically enrolled in the RedShelf Inclusive Access program and will be charged on their Pitt student bill unless they opt out before the end of the add/drop period. This program provides students with discounted access to the digital version of the textbook and the publisher's WebAssign content, but only the textbook itself will be required. If you already have a copy of the textbook or would prefer to purchase it from a different source (for example, you may be able to find a used copy at a lower cost), then you should opt out of Inclusive Access. You will be able to opt out by clicking on the "RedShelf Inclusive Access" link in your course on Canvas. See the Redshelf instructions for opting out. If you do not opt out of Inclusive Access, then you will be able to access the digital textbook through a link to WebAssign in Canvas.
Students who complete Math 0280 are expected to have mastered the fundamental ideas of linear algebra and to be able to apply these ideas to a variety of practical problems. More specifically, in Math 0280 you will be expected to:
Homework sets will be completed in WeBWorK, a free, online homework platform. To locate the login screen for your WeBWorK section, navigate to the Pitt WeBWorK homepage and select your section "Math0280-XXXXX" from the list, where "XXXXX" should be replaced with your section’s five-digit class number. Then log in with your Pitt username (in lowercase) and password. You will be automatically linked to the section in which you are enrolled. In addition to the WeBWorK homework sets, your instructor may also assign some written assignments, quizzes, or small projects throughout the semester.
All sections are given a common list of practice problems from the textbook, listed on the Math 0280 schedule. You are expected to solve these problems, although they will not be collected or graded. Note that solving all of the suggested problems will be time-consuming. It is best to use the suggested problems to gain experience in the areas in which you struggle most. Exam and quiz questions may be modeled on these problems.
Unless your instructor specifies otherwise, there will be two midterm exams administered during your regualar class time. The class schedule includes tentative dates for the two midterm exams, but your instructor will announce the exact dates for your section.
All day sections will take a departmental final exam at the day and time listed on the Math 0280 schedule. The day and time are determined by the registrar. All students must take the final exam at the day and time scheduled by the registrar. Calculators will NOT be permitted on the departmental final exam.
Evening sections will meet through final exam week, and their final exam will be given during the last one or two scheduled class periods.
Your course grade will be determined as follows:
Some sections may deviate slightly from this formula. Any variations will be announced by your instructor at the beginning of the term.
Specific cutoffs for letter grades and +/- grades will be determined by your instructor, but the grading scale below is suggested and fairly standard.
Your final grade will be computed according to the weights that your instructor lists under the “Grades” category. Your final exam grade will count as much as your instructor specifies (e.g. 40%) and will not limit your course grade in any other way.
As a University of Pittsburgh student, you should already have a Pitt computer account. You will need to know your username and password to access computer resources, including WeBWorK, Canvas, and email.
The Math Assistance Center offers free tutoring by appointment, including same-day appointments for those who need immediate assistance. Appointments can be made within Pathways. The MAC offers assistance with all courses in the math department in the range 0010-0413, 1180, and 1270. Please see the MAC’s website for instructions on how appointments are made as well as an outline of what you can expect.
Your instructor and TA will announce their office hours and list them on Canvas. Your instructor or TA may opt to hold office hours over Zoom.
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Office of Disability Resources and Services (DRS), 140 William Pitt Union (412) 648-7890,, (412) 228-5347 for P3 ASL users, as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.
Cheating/plagiarism will not be tolerated. See the Dietrich School's Academic Integrity Code. Students suspected of violating the University of Pittsburgh Policy on Academic Integrity may incur a zero score for the assessment in question. Additional sanctions may be imposed, depending on the severity of the infraction. If there is any doubt about the originality of a student's submission for an assessment, they may be asked to explain their work during a one-on-one meeting with their instructor. If the student's explanations are unsatisfactory, they may receive a zero score for the assessment, or the instructor may choose to administer an alternative assessment in a different format.
Students are not permitted to use generative AI tools, including ChatGPT, for solving homework problems or completing any other graded assignments, unless aproved by your instructor. Nevertheless, you may find such tools useful for reviewing course concepts, checking solutions to practice problems, etc.
Note also that Pitt has a data sharing arrangement with that enables us to identify instances in which has been used to cheat on assessments. Consequences of being caught in this academic integrity violation have included zero scores on assessments and F grades for the course.
The University of Pittsburgh does not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on disability, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, marital status, familial status, sex, age, sexual orientation, veteran status or gender identity or other factors as stated in the University’s Title IX policy. The University is committed to taking prompt action to end a hostile environment that interferes with the University’s mission. For more information about policies, procedures, and practices, see:
We ask that everyone in the class strive to help ensure that other members of this class can learn in a supportive and respectful environment. If there are instances of the aforementioned issues, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, by calling 412-648-7860, or emailing Reports can also be filed online: You may also choose to report this to a faculty/staff member; they are required to communicate this to the University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. If you wish to maintain complete confidentiality, you may also contact the University Counseling Center (412-648-7930).
Some of the materials in this course may be protected by copyright. United States copyright law, 17 USC section 101, et seq., in addition to University policy and procedures, prohibit unauthorized duplication or retransmission of course materials. See the Library of Congress Copyright Office and the University copyright policies.