James A Maynard - Primes and the Riemann Hypothesis

Thursday, March 20, 2025 - 13:30

CMU (Hamburg Hall A301)

Speaker Information
James A. Maynard


This is a joint colloquium with CMU, see here for details

Abstract or Additional Information

Abstract: The Riemann Hypothesis is often called 'the most important unsolved problem in mathematics'. If true, it would have many fantastic implications for the distribution of prime numbers. However, it turns out that we don't need the full strength of the Riemann Hypothesis for several of these implications; we can sometimes prove similar results if we can show that any counterexamples to the Riemann Hypothesis are 'rare'.

I'll give a gentle introduction to these ideas, including recent work (joint with Larry Guth) that has improved our understanding of these exceptions, and correspondingly our understanding of the distribution of primes.

Research Area