Undergraduate Program

The Department of Mathematics offers programs leading to Bachelor of Science degrees in mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical biology and actuarial mathematics, as well as joint degree programs in scientific computing and mathematics/economics.

A degree in mathematics provides an excellent base on which to build a career in virtually any high technology field and provides a particularly strong foundation for advanced study in science, engineering, and finance.

As a mathematics major, you will be thoroughly trained in classical mathematics, in addition to being exposed to ideas on the cutting edge of current research. Your training will include the use of the latest technological tools, and you will have access to the department's computer labs, equipped with workstations and the latest mathematical software.

There are numerous opportunities for mathematics majors to undertake research projects under the supervision of faculty members.

See below under Research Opportunities.

Students considering a major in the Department of Mathematics should speak with an advisor in the department as soon as possible. To arrange an advising appointment, visit the mathematics receptionist in room 301 of Thackeray Hall or contact the department at ugdmath@pitt.edu.


Each mathematics major is assigned to one of the Department of Mathematics faculty for academic advising. You will normally stay with the same advisor until you graduate.

Research Opportunities

Undergraduates have the opportunity to engage in research, scholarship and creative experiences with faculty who are leaders in their fields. As members of a top public research university, Pitt undergraduates can choose to engage in a variety of research experiences across schools, disciplines and academic settings.

Math Placement Assessment

The Mathematics placement assessment will help you and your advisor determine the right Mathematics course for you.

Math Assistance Center

The Math Assistance Center (MAC) provides a walk-in service; no appointments are scheduled or needed.

Pittsburgh Interdisciplinary Mathematics Review

The Pittsburgh Interdisciplinary Mathematics Review (PIMR) is a research journal managed and edited entirely by mathematics undergraduate students.

Student Support Services

If you, or someone you know, is struggling, Pitt and Community Assistance Resources can help.