Mixing in fluids: irregular transport, enhanced dissipation, and applications

Friday, March 28, 2025 - 15:30

704 Thackeray Hall

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Anna Mazzucato
Penn State University

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Stirring and mixing in fluids, specifically incompressible fluids, have important consequences on many physical and biological processes, from dispersal of pollutants to transport of nutrients.  From a mathematical point of view, mixing can be studied in different contexts, from ergodic theory to homogenization.

In this talk, I will present a quantitative approach to mixing that arises in the analysis of partial differential equations. In this context, mixing is related to irregular transport by non-Lipschitz vector fields and, when combined with diffusion, it may lead to enhanced dissipation. A variety of techniques have been employed in the literature to study these mechanisms, from geometric analysis to optimal transport to spectral theory and probability.

I will first discuss examples of incompressible flows that mix optimally in time. Then, I will show how these examples lead to loss of regularity for solutions of transport equations. Lastly, if time allows, I will discuss enhanced dissipation and examples of flows that lead to enhanced dissipation for advection-(hyper)diffusion equations.