Location and Address
Speaker Information
David Ambrose (Drexel)
Alberto Bressan (Penn State)
Gui-Qiang Chen (Oxford, UK)
Mikhail Feldman (Wisconsin-Madison)
Graziano Guerra (U of Milano)
Yan Guo (Brown)
Yuan Lou (Ohio State)
Ronghua Pan (Georgia Tech)
Wen Shen (Penn State)
Robert Strain (U Penn)
Athanasios Tzavaras (Kaust)
Jun-Cheng Wei ((U of British Columbia)
Cheng Yu (U of Florida)
Schedule of Talks
May 8, Saturday
- 9am-9:45am Gui-Qiang.Chen
Cavitation and Concentration in Entropy Solutions to the Compressible Euler Equations and Related Nonlinear PDEs
- 10am-10:45am Graziano Guerra
The Cauchy Problem for a non-strictly hyperbolic 3x3 system of conservation laws arising in polymer flooding
- 11:15am-12pm Robert Strain
On the relativistic Boltzmann equation with long range interactions
Lunch break
- 1pm-1:45pm Alberto Bressan
Ill-posedness and generic singularities for 2-D pressureless gases
- 2pm-2:45pm Yan Guo
Gravitational Collapse of Newtonian Stars
- 3:15pm-4pm Mikhail Feldman
Weak-strong uniqueness and stability for the semigeostrophic system
- 4:15pm-5pm Cheng Yu
Infinitely many solutions to the isentropic system of gas dynamics
May 9, Sunday
- 9am-9:45am Athanasios Tzavaras
From Euler flows with friction to gradient flows
- 10am-10:45am Yuan Lou
Basic reproduction number and principal eigenvalue
- 11:15am-12pm Wen Shen
Variations on the theme of scalar conservation law
Lunch break
- 1pm-1:45pm Jun-Cheng Wei
Singularity Formations in Liquid Crystal Flows, Landau-Liftschitz and Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system
- 2pm-2:45pm David Ambrose
Existence (and non-existence) results for a mean field games model of household wealth
- 3:15pm-4pm Ronghua Pan
Isentropic Approximation
- 4:15pm-5pm Free discussion
Abstracts: http://www.pitt.edu/~mingchen/workshop/PDE2021-program.pdf
Organizers: Ming Chen and Dehua Wang