We are pleased to announce that our 2018 Michalik Lecture will be given by Professor Martin Nowak, Director of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University.
Biological evolution describes how populations of individuals change over time. The three fundamental principles of evolution are mutation, selection and cooperation. I will present the mathematical formalism of evolution mostly focussing on stochastic processes. I will discuss amplifiers and suppressors of selection, evolutionary game theory and evolutionary graph theory.
Further reading:
Allen B, G Lippner, Y-T Chen, B Fotouhi, N Momeni, S-T Yau, MA Nowak (2017)
Evolutionary dynamics on any population structure. Nature 544: 227–230
Nowak MA (2006). Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Equations of Life.
Dr. Nowak is a Professor of Mathematics and of Biology and a world expert on evolutionary game theory (e.g, the evolution of cooperation and other behaviors), population structures, cancer dynamics and treatment, and a range of other topics. He has written several hundred articles and has published books on virology, evolutionary dynamics, and cooperation (e.g, SuperCooperators: Why We Need Each Other to Succeed, Simon & Schuster).
Location and Address
Shenley Room, Wyndham Hotel