Abstract: In this talk I'm going to discuss the classification of the
irreducible representations of the Artin braid group $B_n$ on $n$ strings. All
irreducible representations of $B_n$ of dimension less or equal to $n-1$
were classified by Ed Formanek in 1996; the irreducible representations of
$B_n$ of dimension $n$ for $n\geq 9$ were classified by the speaker in 1999,
and for $n \leq 8$ they were classified by Formanek, Lee, Vazirani and the
speaker in 2003.
I will give the overview of the known results and talk about the work in
progress aimed to classify all the irreducible representations of $B_n$ of
dimension less than or equal to $2n-9$ for $n\geq 10.$
Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 12:00 to 13:00
Thackeray 427