2:30 pm Opening, Juan Manfredi, Undergraduate Director
Session 1: chaired by Jeffrey Wheeler
- 2:35 pm to 2:50 pm, Katie Brosky, Santhosh Donepudi: Trends in Natural Gas Production: Big Data and Decline Curve Analysis
- 2:50 pm to 3:05 pm, Chris Catullo, Julia Foust, Giaco Gentile, Connor Horan, Jacob Kefalos, Hugh McMurray, Nate Palmer, Aaron Reuter, Troy Reinhardt, Jiyue (Tom) Yang: Optimizing Defensive Alignments in Major League Baseball
- 3:05 pm to 3:20 pm, Sammy Alali, Henry Gise, Brendon Gu, Dexter Harrell, Josh Howe, Max Synder, Juliette Wong: Predicting Post-Peak MLB Player Performance Per Position
- 3:20 pm to 3:25 pm, Virtual Coffee break and real conversation
Keynote Presentation:
- 3:25 pm to 3:45 pm, Keynote Speaker Derek Orr: From BS to PhD.
- 3:45 pm to 3:55 pm, Break and more real conversation
Session 2: chaired by Juan Manfredi
- 3:55 pm to 4:15 pm, Sebastian Cohn: Variability Suppression in a Neural Network Model
- 4:15 pm to 4:30 pm, Caroline Kulczycky: Fractal Visualization in Virtual Reality
- 4:30 pm to 4:45 pm Marissa Porco and Juliet Flynn: Combinatorial Game Theory
4:45 General Discussion.