Core Courses
All of these are required by each of the Math, Applied Math, Actuarial Math, Mathematical Biology, and Math-Econ majors (with one exception noted below). For catalog descriptions, prerequisites, and sample syllabi see our undergraduate courses page.
- MATH 0220/30/40, Calculus 1/2/3. The mathematical study of change. Calculus 1 and 2 focus on introducing, computing, and applying the derivative and the integral of a real-valued function. Calculus 3 extends this to curves and functions of several variables, finishing with Green's and the Stokes and divergence theorems.
(Note: certain AP or IB exam scores yield transfer credit for MATH 0220 and/or 0230, see this page.) - MATH 0413, Introduction to Theoretical Mathematics. Here students learn the language of mathematics and how to make rigorous arguments, while studying the construction and properties of the integers and natural, rational, and real numbers.
- MATH 0420, Introduction to the Theory of 1-Variable Calculus. [not required by the Actuarial Mathematics major] Reconsiders calculus, equipped with tools from MATH 0413. This course focuses on precisely defining continuity, differentiability, and integrability and proving results about functions with these properties.
- MATH 0500, Professional Development. A one-credit course focused on introducing students to the spectrum of mathematical careers, university career and scholarly resources, and important mathematical "tools of the trade".
- MATH 1180, Linear Algebra. Along with calculus, a key tool for solving a vast array of real-world and theoretical problems. The subject begins with an algorithm for solving systems of linear equations and moves on to define and study linear transformations.
(Note: compared to our linear algebra course for non-majors, MATH 0280, this is more conceptual and covers abstract vector spaces.) - MATH 1270, Ordinary Differential Equations 1. Builds on calculus, focusing on explicit solutions of equations relating an unknown function and its derivatives. These arise in a wide variety of modeling contexts.
(Note: compared to our ODE course for non-majors, MATH 0290, this one more deeply explores solutions of systems using the tools of linear algebra.)
University Honors Courses
These are faster-paced, deeper versions of our regular courses for talented students who enjoy a challenge. They count toward the degree enhancements offered by the Frederick Honors College (see this page). Each can replace one or more of the core courses above as a prerequisite and toward major requirements.
- MATH 0235 honors replacement for MATH 0220+MATH 0230. Offered every fall semester.
- MATH 0450 honors replacement for MATH 0413+MATH 0420. Offered every spring semester.
- MATH 1185 honors replacement for MATH 1180. Offered every fall semester.
- MATH 1275 honors replacement for MATH 1270. Offered in odd-year spring semesters (eg. Spring '23).