Faculty Circus

Explore the variety of academic research in the Department of Mathematics at Pitt by getting a glimpse into some faculty members' research. 10 faculty members, working in different areas of mathematics, will give insights into their research projects in concise 5-7 minute talks. Our speakers for this event are:

Carl Wang-Erickson

Polynomials are to Taylor series as numbers are to p-adic numbers

George Sparling
Understanding spacetime from the perspective of twistor theory
(project of Jonathan Holland and George Sparling)
Christopher Lennard Some of Chris Lennard’s joint research in Functional Analysis and Fixed Point Theory
Bruno Poggi

Research Projects of Bruno Poggi Cevallos in Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

Anna Vainchtein

The discrete charm of nonlinearity: research adventures with Dr. V

Michael Neilan

Research Projects of Michael Neilan in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Jonathan Rubin

Dynamics U Neuroscience

Sabrina Streipert

Research Projects of Sabrina Streipert in Mathematical Biology

Stephan Wojtowytsch

Research Projects of Stephan Wojtowytsch in Mathematics of Machine Learning

Edward Chou

Implicit bias and out-of-distribution detection

I hope you can join us for this event. 

Any questions can be directed to Sabrina Streipert (streipert@pitt.edu).


Friday, January 24, 2025 - 15:30

704 Thackeray Hall

Speaker Information
Various Speakers