Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar

The Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar is a faculty-run seminar that provides undergraduates with a setting to hear about mathematical ideas and opportunites that are not typically discussed in the classroom. The format of the seminar ranges from traditional talks to panel discussions and presentations by career experts.

Further, our seminar aims to provide a platform for undergraduates to practice presenting their own ideas in front of a group of their peers. Faculty organizers are available to help students prepare talks. If you are interested in giving a talk in the UMS, please do not hesitate to contact one of the organizers and we will be happy to discuss your ideas with you.

All are welcome to attend the seminars and the topics are at a level accessible to an undergraduate interested in mathematics.

Academic Year: 
Day of the Week: 

Committee Members

Additional information about the seminar/colloquia

If you are interested in giving a talk in our seminar, or would like more information about the math department and research, please contact one of the committee members listed on this page.

An archive of past talks can be found here: https://www.mathematics.pitt.edu/seminar-colloquia/undergraduate-mathematics-seminar/archives
