Combinatorics and Geometry of KP solitons

Friday, October 7, 2011 - 16:00 to 16:50
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Yuji Kodama
Ohio State University

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Let Gr(N,M) be the real Grassmann manifold defined by the set of all N-dimensional subspaces of RM. Each point on  Gr(N,M) can be represented by an N×M matrix A of rank N. If all the N×N minors of A are nonnegative, the set of all points associated with those matrices forms the totally nonnegative part of the Grassmannian, denoted by Gr(N,M)+.

In this talk, I start to give a realization of Gr(N,M)+ in terms of the (regular) soliton solutions of the KP (Kadomtsev-Petviashvili) equation which is a two-dimensional extension of the KdV equation. The KP equation describes small amplitude and long waves on a surface of shallow water. I then construct a cellular decomposition of Gr(N,M)+ with the asymptotic form of the soliton solutions. This leads to a classification theorem of all solitons solutions of the KP equation, showing that each soliton solution is uniquely parametrized by a derrangement of the symmetric group SM. Each derangement defines a combinatorial object called the Le-diagram (a Young diagram with zeros in particular boxes). Then I show that the Le-diagram provides a complete classification of the "entire" spatial patterns of the soliton solutions coming from the Gr(N,M)+ for asymptotic values of the time. I will also present some movies of real experiments of shallow water waves which represent some of those solutions obtained in the classification problem. If time permits, I will discuss an application of those results to analyze the Tohoku-tsunami of March 2011. The talk is elementary, and shows interesting connections among combinatorics, geometry and integrable systems.

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