The moduli space of pointed hyperelliptic curves over finite fields
Zagier’s formula for multiple zeta values and its odd variant revisited
Zoom Meeting ID: 973 0230 7263
Positivity in the quantum K theory of Grassmannians
Coloring Spaces
Pitt Topology Seminar
Friday January 28 at 11am EST
Zoom Meeting:
The chromatic number of a graph is the minimal number of colors required to color the vertices so adjacent vertices have distinct colors. We will see that there is a natural way to define the chromatic number of a space, and will connect it to the (covering) dimension.
Michał Miśkiewicz - tba
Telgarksy's Conjecture
Pitt Topology Seminar
Friday January 21 at 11am EST
Speaker: Lynne Yengulalp (Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University)
Title: Telgarksy's Conjecture