Weakly Monotone Functions on Metric Measure Spaces
Abstract: In this paper we develop a theory of weakly monotone functions on metric measure spaces. We develop some analytic properties of such functions and prove an approximation theorem for a general $N^{1,p}(X)$ function for $p>1$. We exhibit a class of functionals whose minimizers are weakly monotone which includes the $p-$energy functional and as a corollary we show that minimizers of this energy satisfy a weak maximum and weak minimum principle.
Supersonic Fronts and Pulses in a Lattice with Hardening-Softening Interactions
Loops, Torsors, and Affine Grassmannians
Virtual Insights into Pain: Agent-Based Modeling of Neural Activity in the Amygdala
Proof of the Grothendieck-Serre Conjecture: Elementary Fibrations
Independence Complex of Kneser Graph
Understanding Neuronal Clustering through Evolution of Adaptation Distribution
Abstract: Abstract: In this presentation, I will explore the influence of various parameters on the oscillation frequencies of neuronal networks, with a focus on a network model consisting of excitatory and inhibitory theta neurons. Central to the discussion will be the impact of adaptation currents in excitatory neurons on oscillation frequency, particularly through inducing clustered firing patterns. The talk will also introduce a discrete map to analyze and visualize the clustering behaviors and adaptation distribution within the network.