Mathematics Research Center

The Mathematics Research Center (MRC) was established in 2011 with support from the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at University of Pittsburgh. The MRC operates within the Department of Mathematics and its research activities encompass a broad range of areas, including algebra, combinatorics, geometry, topology, analysis and partial differential equations, applied analysis, mathematical biology, mathematical finance, numerical analysis, and scientific computing. Ongoing activities include semester themes, distinguished lecture series, workshops, miniconferences, research seminars, a visitor program, and a postdoctoral program.

Upcoming Workshops and Mini Conferences

Dynamics on Networks

April 5 - 6, 2025 More»

Workshop on PDEs in Fluid Dynamics

April 12 - 13, 2025 More»

Recent Advances in Numerical PDEs

May 5 - 6, 2025 More»


Algebra, Combinatorics, and Geometry
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Computational Mathematics Seminar
Geometry, Topology and Physics Seminar
Laboratory of Axiomatics Seminar
Mathematical Biology
PDE and Analysis Seminar

Previous Workshops and Mini Conferences

Workshop on Generalized Galois Tukey Connections and Topology

May 6-7, 2024 More»

Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods for Multiphysics Systems

May 1-3, 2024 More»

Mini Workshop on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry

April 20-21, 2024 More»

Recent Advances in Hyperbolic PDEs and Applications

April 6-7, 2024 More»

Pittsburgh Links among Analysis and Number Theory

March 4-7, 2024 More»

Analysis on PDEs and Fractals: A Conference in memory of Professor Ka-Sing Lau

October 27-29, 2023 More»

Advances in Mathematical Ecology

June 1-2, 2023 More»

Representation Theory, L-Functions and Arithmetic

May 9-11, 2023 More»

Workshop on Computational Trends in Science and Engineering

April 28-30, 2023 More»

Workshop on Nonlinear PDEs: Analysis and Applications

April 21-23, 2023 More»

Workshop on New Directions in Set Theoretic Topology 

September 3 & 4, 2022 

Workshop on Nonlinear Waves in Discrete and Continuum Systems 

June 17 & 18, 2022 

Workshop on Eisenstein Series, L-functions and arithmetic 

May 16 - 18, 2022 

Workshop on Computational Mathematics trends in science and engineering 

May 21-22, 2020 (Canceled due to Covid) 

Professor Manuel Ritoré Lectures

September 18 & 25, 2019. More»

Local and Nonlocal Trends in Analysis and Geometry

October 10-12, 2019 More»

Structure Preserving Discretizations: FEMS, Splines, and IGA

May 31 - June 1, 2019  More»

Time Filters and Predictive Accuracy

May 29th - 31st, 2019 More»

From the Fundamental Lemma to Discrete Geometry, to Formal Verification
A conference in honour of Thomas C. Hales on the occasion of his 60th birthday

June 18-22, 2018  More»

Pittsburgh PDE Workshop
November 30 - December 1, 2018

Complex Systems in Neuroscience: Bridging Theory and Experiment
March 8-10, 2018  More»

Workshop on Function Spaces
February 10-16, 2018 

Workshop on PDEs in Fluid Dynamics
November 3-5, 2017  More»

Workshop: Graphs and Continua Theory
September 2, 2017 

An Introduction to Scientific Computing using Free Software FreeFem++
August 22 - September 1, 2017,  More»

Nonconvexity, Nonlocality and Incompatibility: From Materials to Biology
May 5-7, 2017  More »

Cohomology Theories, Categories, and Applications
March 25-26, 2017

Minisymposium on High Frequency Trading
March 25 - 26, 2017  More »

Workshop on Nonlinear Waves: Analysis and Applications
March 17-19, 2017  More »

Analysis on Metric Spaces
March 10-11, 2017 More >

Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification for Dynamical Systems
March 5-6, 2017  More»

Computational Modeling of Respiratory Central Pattern Generators
December 8, 2016

Fixed Points and Banach Spaces Mini-Conference
September 24, 2016

Numerical Analysis and Predictability of Fluid Motion
May 3-4, 2016  More»

Workshop on Stochastic PDEs
December 4-5, 2015  More»

Nonlinear PDEs, Numerical Analysis, and Applications Conference
October 2-3, 2015

Flavors of Cohomology
June 3-5, 2015 

Pitt Topology Conference 2015
May 11-12, 2015 

Fixed Points and Banach Spaces Mini-Conference
April 18, 2015 

Special Day on Moduli Space
April 11, 2015 

Higher Structures and Cohomology Theories
March 28 -29, 2015

Conference on PDEs and Free Boundary Problems
March 11-14, 2015

Workshop on Universal and Maximal Quadratic Forms
February 26, 2015

Workshop on Geometry and Representation Theory
February 5, 2015

Advances in Dicrete Networks Workshop
December 12-14, 2015  More»

2014 Fall Theme Semester on Discrete Networks: Geometry, Dynamics and Applications
September - December 2014  More»

Workshop on Computational Geomechanics
May 22 - 23, 2014  

Geometry, Topology and Physics Workshop
May 14 - 15, 2014 

2014 Theme Semester on Convex Integration and Analysis
January - May 2014  More »

International Workshop "Advances in Nonlinear Analysis"
March 13 - 15, 2014  More »

Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Methods: from Neuroscience to Other Biological Applications
March 10-12, 2013  More »

Higher Geometry and Quantum Field Theory
August 19-23, 2013.

Chern-Simons Theory: Geometry, Topology and Physics
May 4-6, 2013  More »

International Workshop "Advances in Nonlinear Science"
March 14 - 16, 2013  More »

2013 Theme Semester on Game Theory and PDEs

January - May 2013  More »

Finite Element Circus, Fall 2012

October 12-13, 2012  More »

CBSG Theme Days  More »
May 4–5, 2012


April 21, 2012

Workshop on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems   More »
March 30 - April 1, 2012

'Topology/Geometry+Analysis' Workshop
March 16 and 17, 2012 

'Topology/Geometry+Algebra' Workshop
January 20–21, 2012