Nonlinear PDEs, Numerical Analysis, and Applications
On October 2-3, 2015 the Department of Mathematics, with support from the NSF and IMA, hosted the conference, “Nonlinear PDEs, Numerical Analysis, and Applications.” This conference created a forum for junior and senior researchers to discuss challenges and to disseminate recent advances on numerical methods for fully nonlinear PDEs and their applications. Ten domestic and international speakers presented their research including: Roland Glowinski on discretization techniques for Eikonal systems; Ricardo Nochetto on discrete Alexandroff estimates and rates of convergence of finite element discretizations; Adam Oberman on finite difference discretizations of the optimal transport problem; Xiaoming Feng on semi-Lagrangian methods for the Monge-Ampere equation. The conference supported roughly 20 graduate students and postdocs to attend and participate. The organizers thank all of the speakers and participants for making this a stimulating and successful conference. Details of the conference can be found at the website:
Upcoming events
Mini Course on Stochastic PDEs and renormalisation by Prof. Martin Hairer
November 30 - December 3, 2015 More>
Workshop on Stochastic PDEs
December 4-5, 2015 More>
Peter Constantin (Princeton University)
Parisa Fatheddin (AFIT)
Nathan Glatt-Holtz (Virginia Tech)
Gautam Iyer (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jonathan Gustafsson (AFIT)
Manil Mohan (AFIT)
Govind Menon (Brown University)
Michael Salins (Boston University)
Hao Shen (Columbia University)
Sivaguru Sritharan (Air Force Institute of Technology(AFIT))
Huaqiao Wang (Xiamen University)
Past Events
Nonlinear PDEs, Numerical Analysis, and Applications Conference
October 2-3, 2015 More>
Flavors of Cohomology
June 3-5, 2015 More>
Pitt Topology Conference 2015
May 11-12, 2015 More>