Undergraduate Advising


Following the declaration of a mathematics major each student is assigned to one of the Department of Mathematics faculty for academic advising. You will normally stay with the same advisor until you graduate. The name of your advisor is listed in your PeopleSoft Student Service Center in your my.pitt.edu account. Contact information for your advisor can be found in the Department of Mathematics directory. It is your responsibility to reach out to your advisor to make an advising appointment each term. If you are a declared mathematics major and do not have the name of a faculty advisor listed in your PeopleSoft account, please contact the Academic Operations Manager.

You must meet with your advisor to have your academic advising hold lifted prior to registering for the subsequent term. You cannot enroll in classes until your advisor reviews and approves your academic plan for the term.


You will self-register for classes online through your PeopleSoft Student Service Center in your my.pitt.edu account. Your assigned "registration appointment" date and time will be listed in your Student Service Center.  The system will not allow you to register before your assigned date and time.

It is your responsibility to review your online degree advisement report and choose courses to satisfy both your math major requirements and Arts & Sciences general education requirements. Your advisor can help you choose math courses that best fit your interests and goals. General education course requirements for students who entered the university prior  to fall 2018 term can be found here; to verify that a particular course will meet a requirement, please consult the General Education Course Catalog for Students admitted prior to fall 2018 term. If you are a student who was admitted in the fall of 2018 or after,  the requirements can be found here; to verify that a course will meet a requirement, please consult the corresponding General Education Course Catalog for Students admitted fall 2018 and after.


Student Support Services

If you, or someone you know, is struggling, Pitt and Community Assistance Resources can help.

Counseling Center

Office of Finacial Aid

The Math Assistance Center

The Dietrich School Scientific Computing Lab

The Study Lab