
Fractional Cahn-Hilliard Equation(s): Analysis, Properties and Approximation

The classical Cahn-Hilliard equation [1] is a nonlinear, fourth order in space, parabolic partial differential equation which is often used as a diffuse interface model for the phase separation of a binary alloy. Despite the widespread adoption of the model, there are good reasons for preferring models in which fractional spatial derivatives appear [2,3]. We consider two such Fractional Cahn-Hilliard equations (FCHE).

Endpoint Sobolev inequalities for vector fields

Sobolev embeddings control the integrability of some power of a function by an
integral of the derivative of the function at a lower power. The limiting case
where the latter power is taken to be 1 due to Gagliardo and Nirenberg, is
inaccessible to classical methods of harmonic analysis and turns out to be a
functional version of the isoperimetric inequality. If one considers vector
fields instead of functions, one can hope that some redundancy in the
derivative would allow to obtain estimates with an integrand that does not