
A Banach space mixed formulation for the unsteady Brinkman-Forchheimer equations

We propose and analyze a mixed formulation for the Brinkman-Forchheimer equations for unsteady flows. Our approach is based on the introduction of a pseudostress tensor related to the velocity gradient, leading to a mixed formulation where the pseudostress tensor and the velocity are the main unknowns of the system. We establish existence and uniqueness of a solution to the weak formulation in a Banach space setting, employing classical results on nonlinear monotone operators and a regularization technique.

K-theory of toric varieties

Many geometric invariants of a normal toric variety X can be described in terms of its associated polyhedral fan F. Fulton and Sturmfels described the Chow ring of a complete toric variety using Minkowski weights, which are a ring of integer-valued functions on F satisfying a balancing condition. These weights have appeared in many contexts since their introduction, including in tropical geometry where they are central to tropical intersection theory.