The Cusp Parameter Function on a Hyperbolic 3-Manifold Deformation Variety: An Example
Zoom Meeting ID: 973 0230 7263
On G-Hilbert Schemes and McKay Correspondence, Pt. 2
Zoom meeting ID: 973 0230 7263
Pitt AWM Student Seminar Series
Starting in 2021, the University of Pittsburgh AWM Chapter hosts the Pitt AWM Student Seminar Series, held on a Friday each month at 4:45pm. Every meeting features two 30 minute long talks by female PhD students, each presenting the speaker's research outcomes. Our seminar is hoped to give a platform to female students-researchers, to promote the spirit of collegiality and collaboration, and to recognize the hard work of students during the pandemic time and beyond. There have been more than 50 talks so far!
Math Club - Graduate School 101
Pitt School of Education Panel (Part 2)
Are you interested in math education and possibly becoming a math teacher? What kinds of programs offer this? Join us and ask our panelists your questions!
On G-Hilbert schemes and McKay correspondence
Translating Strategic Information Across Selection Games
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 994 3631 8523
Open Coloring Axioms and Combinatorics of the Reals
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 994 3631 8523