Putting the Theory into ‘Burstlet Theory’: A Biophysical Model of Bursts and Burstlets in the Respiratory PreBotzinger Complex
Passcode: nopizza
Prime tropical ideals
Zoom Meeting ID: 973 0230 7263
Searching for Prime Numbers
Math Club
Math Club at Pitt
The undergraduate Math Club at Pitt is open to anyone who has an interest in math! We hold events around every other week – talks, competitions, social events, and more! If you would like to be added to our email list, please contact
Spring 2022-23 Event Flyer
Attached below is our Spring 2022-23 Event Flyer (subject to change). Make sure to join our email list for updates and event notifiers!
Horoball packing, hidden symmetry and some tetrahedral links
Zoom Meeting ID: 973 0230 7263
The Effect of Noise on Bilateral Olfactory Search and Navigation
Passcode: nopizza
The Weil Conjectures (Cont.)
Modeling Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons
Passcode: nopizza